How to get things that I shipped to America to Israel?
I would like to buy an iphone 5 from ebay, though the seller only ships to the US. I've heard of companies that get stuff shipped to them in the US and then ship it internationally. I'm interested in this strategy, though i would like to know which companies are reliable and around how much it would cost to get an iphone from the US to Israel.
You are looking for a remailer company. Though this in itself may not be the complete answer. Many sellers will also only ship to a PayPal confirmed address. EBay and PayPal have rules that have to be followed if the seller wants to remain protected. Another of those rules is that any item worth over a certain amount of money must be sent by a method that requires a signature upon delivery.
Your best be is to find a friend in the US and have them buy it and take delivery of the phone and then send it on to you. Either that or keep searching for a seller willing to ship to your country.
I don't think they trust us to make payment on the goods so, no reliable company ships directly to Israel.
I know this is bad but we have a bad reputation here in the Middle East.
Maybe you need to send this phone to Cyprus and then have someone send it to you some other way.
Mm just find a supplier that ships to israel only.ya israelis like to steal money i had a bad experience with this… They are cheaplol
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