Can I use the iPhone charger for my Sony camera?

My Sony camera comes with a 5V/0.5A charger. Can I use my 5V/1A iPhone charger without damaging my Sony battery over time?

Thank you

Added (1). I know it fits and will charge, but will it decrease battery longevity?

Instead of asking us, why don't you just try it… If it fits it'll work. Common Sense.

Battery longevity wouldn't be the problem here as long as it provides the correct voltage, polarity and reasonable amperage. The concern I would have is that since this charger will be capable of providing twice the current the original did, if there's a fault condition in one of the camera's components, it could provide the full 1 A into a circuit that was designed to be protected against a half amp charger. Normal operation shouldn't be affected because the voltage and normal resistance of the circuit in question will dictate the current draw. If the resistance suddenly varies downward as in a component failure, then the 1 A available will become an issue suddenly at an inconvenient moment. If you have to, use it, but I'd recommend not charging when you are absent or asleep. You don't have to watch it like a hawk, but some prudence is definitely indicated here.