Can't Open Copied Iphone Photos from Windows?

I copied iphone photos to Windows and Windows can't open the photo.

This is the error I get: The object Invoked has disconnected from its client. I have erased all the photos on the Iphone because the photos were making iphone memory not enough memory to install more apps on her Iphone.

Added (1). All the Photos are in JPG

Apple sucks when it comes to that kind of stuff but, maybe change the file name to .jpg

Copied? Moved? Removed? Deleted? Which is it? The way you worded your post is a bit confusing (to me).

not enough info. Never stated win-os or iphone-os. Never stated how you connected the two devices. Never stated how you disconnected the two devices. Never attached snapshot of your win-os photo folder (detail-view (show extensions)) . I'd give you a failing grade because of your ignorance and omissions.

photos "copied" from iphone to win-os have zero problems. Can go through the motions all day long. Photos. All image viewers on win-os will view those *.jpg images. Photos "deleted" via win-os gives unexpected results. That issue is about iphone's sync feature. And it could brick your iphone, so be careful what you do.

and when you disconnected iphone from win. What was your procedure?

however. If you used a third-party app on your iphone. That may present issues. I suggest you direct your question to some knowledgeable computer/iphone forums. Making sure to give all the details. Including snapshots/screen-caps.