Can't view vehicle listings on Facebook marketplace?

When using my iPads I can see vehicle listings on Facebook marketplace but when I click on the vehicle the ad won't load. It loads on my iPhone but not on iPad. It worked on my iPad until about two weeks ago. Any ideas?

Any ideas? How about stop using facebook marketplace?

Mite be a Bug with the Facebook App on your Ipad you won't be able to Fix that Unfortunately just view the AD on your Iphone if Its working on there

I also can't view vehicles on Marketplace. Same started a couple weeks ago.

The exact same thing has happened to me a few days ago. It used to work fine, then all the sudden I can't open any vehicles at all. I can open every thing else. It's been very aggravating since I'm looking for a car.

I also can't view ads for vehicles but all other items pictures ads open fine. I had hoped that the last update would've corrected the issue but didn't. Maybe next one will?

Me to. Why is it just vehicles and none of the others

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