Can the 2005 for escape use aux cables for iphones?
Can the 2005 for escape use aux cables for iphones?
If it has the aux cord plugin then you will be able to
Using Aux cables has to do with what stereo is in the vehicle. You may be able to use AUX cables in any vehicle, or you may not. Nobody can tell you for sure if they will work in which vehicle, without knowing what stereo was installed.
No only Android.
First, search for the aux hole near your hand break, in the glove compartment near your armrest or on the dash. If it. Not there, it doesn't have any,. And I'm not sure but some car started carrying aux cables in 2006. You'll need to buy a stereo to use your aux cable.
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Yes you can but they are not in the vehicle you have to add the cable and the aux input interface,
if the Ford escape radio comes with satellite radio or a SAT button
you need this part
If the Ford radio comes with a CD changer under the passenger seat, you will have to unplug the CD changer and use the cable to install the AU adapter in its place you will use this adapter
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