My friend left her Iphone here by accident and there's a few things I thought she was lying about. So I went through her text messages on her iphone… Now I feel bad about it and I want her to trust me still. So is there anyways she can tell that I looked through her texts!

By the open tabs possibly.

No. Unless you saw an unread text. If you did, it would say seen and the time you read it.

I was snooping on my friend's iphone once, I didn't know she was an allien form outerspace

There's a possibility that she could know… If you deleted the background apps when you double click the icon she could know. Did you leave the tabs open or move any conversations? Also did you delete anything or send anyone messages? If you took the time to make sure she wouldn't find out then i assume your safe

No I don't think she can see it. Only if you've left the messages open and then you locked the Iphone. Cause when she opens it she'll see someone has been going through her messages.