Can you change my cover photo in Facebook, from an iPhone?
Can you change my cover photo in Facebook, from an iPhone?
No, I can't. I don't have access to your Facebook account.
No you can't
No we can't i've asked myself the same question:/
I have a iPod and did it a couple of times so i think you can also with iPhone
It's not "u" it's "you"
Don't be lazy, type the full word out.
Currently Facebook does not allow you to change your cover photo through an Iphone.
Nope, you have to use a computer to do that
No, How it can possible?
You only change the cover photo from your account because the access of change the cover photo you have only.
- How to upload cover photo on Facebook app for iPhone? There was a new update yesterday, August 23rd, and it happened to change the option to upload a cover photo via Facebook app. Now it won't show the option! I want to upload a picture from my camera roll on my iPhone. Can I still do that? If so, please explain thoroughly, please and thank you.
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- How to upload a cover photo via Facebook iPhone app? I had seen the option before, but now when I go to my timeline, it won't show the "add photo" link to add a cover photo. I had just updated it yesterday (August 23, 2012) and I think the update changed it. Does anyone know how I can or if I still can upload a photo VIA MOBILE APP? I do not have access to a desktop, so that's why I'm trying to figure it on my phone. Btw, I have the iPhone 4.
- How to put a cover photo on Facebook with an iPhone? I don't have access to a computer and I was wondering if I can put a cover photo on it with my iPhone 4 (not 4s) the picture is more then 720 pixels.