Can you double space on an iPhone?

So I didn't get to the library in time to type my essay and I need it to be double spaced! Is there an app for iPhone that allows you to type and double space and essay?

Are you f serious?! Just leave a blank space between the lines by pressing Enter twice…

No need, just tell your teacher the dog ate your homework… Done.

  • Whenever I double-tap on the home button on my iphone, it doesn't let me close apps? Usually you just double-tap the home button, the app windows come up, and you can swipe them up to close them, right? I'm not sure what happened but nothing happens when I do this now. Also I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but imessage is kind of screwed up too, because whenever I try to type something, the text box covers up the latest text. So if you know what's going on, please tell me what I need to do to fix this, Thanks!
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  • IOS 8, iPhone 6, double tap home button? When I double tap my home button, not click it, just touch it twice, my app or my home screen slide down and it looks like there a little place that would be a notification or something at the top. Then, if I double tap it again it slides back up. What is this supposed to be? Because the space is currently just empty