Can you put non-iTunes music on iPods/iPhones?

I'm gonna get an iPod or an iPhone soon, but I'm wondering about music.
On my phone, what I do is I download music online for free on my computer, then I connect my phone to the computer and copy/paste onto my phone.
Can you do that with iPods/iPhones, or can you only buy music from iTunes and put it on there?
And when you connect it to your computer, can you go into the iPod/iPhone so you can copy/paste stuff from and onto your device?

You can but you'll have to create a folder of all your music and export it to the iTunes library then sync it to your iPod/iPhone.

Of course you can, I have never bought any song in itunes (have bought some books, but never songs) and I have a ton of mp3 songs on my ipod / iphone. Just convert any old CD to mp3 format (windows has this feature on it already), or take any other mp3s and just select and add into itunes, then sync to your phone.

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