Can you see deleted text messages on an iphone 4?
Can you see deleted text messages on an iphone 4?
Nope where did you get that idea
No you can't. I have an Iphone 4 and you can't.
Possibly, but the way i'm going to explain it is quite difficult to understand.
On the search iphone bar ( But only if there messages are enabled for searching)
Believe it or not, deleted messages will show up even after its been deleted.
You can either search their name, or key words in the conversation and numerous related topics or messages will appear below.
Go to the Seach Iphone
Type in a word that you often say "Hey"
Below will appear where "hey" is located.
Such as; Messages, Email.
- Is there anyway you can see text messages after you have deleted them? I just got a iphone a couple days ago but before that i just had a basic phone from verizon. Well somehow my parents have seen some text messages that I deleted and I don't know how they can see them and they are personal things i'm talking to my best friend about. Does anyone know how they can see the messages and if they do is there a way I can make it so they can't see them?
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- If the messages on my iPhone are green, can they see if I read their text? I'm texting someone and I'm pretty sure they have an android cuz when I text them the messages are green. Not blue! So if I read their messages can they tell if I read it or not? Can an android do that
- If I have someone's number blocked on iPhone can they see my messages in a group text? On an iPhone w/ iOS 8. For example if I'm in a group message with 3-5 other people and one is a number I've blocked. If I send a message in the group chat can they see my message like everyone else?