Can you turn an iPhone 4 into a 4s?

Is it possible to turn an iPhone 4 into a 4s? I saw a guy on YouTube that changed his iPhone into an iPod by editing some files in his folder. And I saw another guy that restored a backup from his iPhone 4s to his iPod 4 and it asked I'd he wanted Siri enabled at the setup of the device but of course it didn't have Siri because it wasn't in the backup. So I was wondering, if all the device ID information is in the, couldn't you take certain files from an iPhone 4s and copy them to an iphone 4 and then when you plug it in iTunes it will recognize as iPhone 4s? If so, couldn't you restore it to the newest software and it will give you iPhone 4s software with Siri? Or would there be problems with something? Does it not identify it by its software? Does it know what the device is by the udid? I'm asking out of curiosity.

It is not possible to turn an iPhone 4 to a 4S, even if you did when you restore iTunes would recognize it as an iPhone 4 again, however, you can get Siri to work on a jailbroken iPhone. Just google "siri for iphone 4" and you will probably find instructions.