Can you use iPhone 4s Sim free as iPod?

I'm planning to get iPhone without sim card but would I still able to use it as iPod,? Like Internet, play app

Best answer 5 stars

Sure, the iPhone works without a sim. You can even connect to Wi-Fi. Wouldn't you be better off trading it and and getting an iPod? I hear the 5th generation is really good.

If your not gonna use it as phone than I need to do in unlock of your phone just search up iPhone unlock on YouTube and look through there but ignore the unlocks that say jailbreak but if you don't want to unlock your phone your gonna see in your lock screen something that said that there's no sim installed and you can't remove that Messege until u unlock or have a sim or jailbreak

Why would you pay 200€+ in plus of ipod touch price? IPhone and iPod Touch are not that different, especially if iPhone has no 3G (that means no sim). And btw by knowing apple, i can say that an iphone would be unusable without sim.

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