Charging iPhone at night while sleeping?

Brain tumor question! Please help me!

Every night, I fall asleep with my iPhone on, charging in my iHome on my bedside table, playing calming music, about… Oh, I'd say two feet at the most, and one foot at the least away from my head.
Is this unhealthy to do? If so, why? Please answer!
PS, I sometimes have it on airplane mode, but prefer not to, because I get texts from people in different time zones. But, if I need to, I will turn it on airplane mode.

No the radiation myths are, well, myths. I have been doing it for at least 5 years. Don't worry about it!

No one will know for a long time. It's probably ok however.

Your phones battery life is gonna be shortened if you continue night charging, don't charge while sleeping till sunrise.

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