Compiler for objective c (iPhone) development?
I need to develop a software for iPhone as my university project. The problem is I don't know what compiler I use as I'm on windows. I don't even know if there's a compiler available for windows platform. Also what are the standard library that you use for developing a GUI app. Lastly I have average knowledge of c++. Will I face much difficulty while developing a app for iphone?
To develop for iPhone you really need a Mac. The development environment is then free, Xcode.
There are open source Objective-C compilers available for Windows, but they won't really help you actually target iPhones. At best they will allow you to learn the language.
The libraries used for the iOS GUI are specific to Apple. Having an average knowledge of C++ will probably leave you very confused when you look at Objective-C, it looks quite different and has some different ideas. So yes, you will face difficulty if you try and develop for iPhone on a Windows platform.
If you have a choice in the matter look instead at Android or Windows Phone development, both of which can be done successfully under Windows (and Windows Phone applicatoins can even be prototyped in the desktop environment to a certain extent before being pushed to the more restricted mobile platform).
There isn't a toolchain for anything but the Mac.Jobs was clear about wanting a walled garden. However, Mac OS X is a descendent of the NeXTStep OS which was created using free software tools, so you can learn Objective C and do a lot of development work using the GNUStep toolchain which was created to fulfill their obligations under the Free Software licenses (though NOT by them):
The compilers for Objective C are gcc and Apple's own Clang.
I'd like to suggest CppCode. It's the first and the only offline C/C++ IDE & Compiler on iOS!
No jailbreak required, no internet connection required, no ads, free(mium) app.
App feature list, screenshots and video on Vimeo/Youtube and even quick start at http://cppcode dot info
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