Could wireless channel be causing computer to freeze?
I recently changed the wireless channel on my Uverse router to channel 1 because the default channel had too much interference.
I have an Alienware PC and compaq laptop that connect to the network as well as a Wii and two iPhones.
The Alienware computer is hardwired into the modem.
Ever since changing the channel, my computer will occasionally freeze, especially when I open a browser. The laptop has no issues. I ran a virus scan and found nothing.
Any ideas?
I would not think changing channels on the router would
cause that. I have changed channels 3 or 4 times on my
router and it never did that. I have 2 or 3 things that runs
on Wi-Fi and I thought they were causing interference.
I can't imagine why it would.
More likely it a background process or a bug in the browser.
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