Creating a Group on Facebook about Responsibility?

Ok this may sound odd but here goes. My number one pet peeve and one of the biggest issues I feel that hampers our society is adults lacking responsibility. From parents not supporting their kids, to alcoholics asking for handouts, to people buying iPhone before buying car insurance, etc.

I wanted to create a platform on social media so that people can share stories about responsibility good and bad and why it is so important and maybe public ally call out folks who are reprehensibly irresponsible. Is this a good idea and any ideas or tips to get it off the ground?

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You are scratching the surface of the ideological divide between conservatism and liberalism. You are supporting the conservative point-of-view that individuals should be responsible for themselves. The opposing point-of-view is that society should be responsible for people who choose not to be responsible for themselves. Expect a backlash from liberals as they do not agree with your hypothesis. Welcome to arena of politics, get ready to get muddy.