Crush problems. Don't know what to think or do?
I have a crush on this guy. We met a little over a month ago through my best friend because they're cousins. When we first started talking things went really well. It was obvious he liked me with all the cute texts, flirting, etc. He texted me first 3 days in a row. And then things slowed down a lot. Now we barely talk. Occasionally we'll snapchat (iphone app where you send pics back and forth.) But still. It doesn't compare to the way things were. When we first went a week without talking, he snapchatted me wishing me a happy birthday. Then another week went by without us talking. I snapchatted him saying hi and he said "hey beautiful." But now we still barely talk. I snapchatted him monday a picture of his school picture because I was at his cousin's house and I said "look at this cutie!" And he said "that's me!" and I said "oh really?" And he never answered. So now we haven't communicated since then.
We haven't seen eachother in weeks. All of my plans keep getting ruined. We were supposed to go trick or treating together but it was rescheduled because of the hurricane and he had a football game that day. Today I was supposed to go to his last game. But something came up and my friend's mom couldn't take us. So now I'm just sitting here with no idea what to do. Sometimes it seems like he likes me. Sometimes it doesn't. I don't know if I should snapchat him and tell him I miss him or what. I'm scared he doesn't feel the same.
I have had the exact same problem! Don't give up yet! Call him maybe and talk to him. Talking on the phone is always better than texting. Flirt when you text make i obvious tht you like hi but don't do something stupid by sending naughty pics ok? If he seems to flirt back alot just ask him if he really likes you or not. But before you start flirting find out if he has a girlfriend or not cause if he does your gunna be getting in a hole new world of drama. I really hope things work out for you. But from wat i have read it seems like he likes you but he has just been very busy. If a guy rembers your birthday its worth a try!
Best of luck.
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