Data plans are a ripoff! M I rite?

I use an iPhone through AT&T and my 3 gigabyte data plan costs around $50 a month just for the data. My gripe is that if I stream like an hour of video, it eats up at least a gigabyte of data! So you're telling me If I want to watch a couple hours of tv on Netflix while using my data plan will cost me $50? I feel data plans should add about 27 gigs so you can actually take advantage of your highspeed connection.m I rite or what?!

Sorry, Cell Phones aren't meant to be used that way, they are capable, but they are usually needed to be connected to Wi-Fi. If you don't want to pay that much, Drop AT&T and go to straight talk's bring your own iPhone program… It's 49$ for unlimited everything! It also has the capability of using AT&T's 4G LTE. I switched and love it and am saving so much!

They are a rip off. Its pathetic. Not only are they very expensive for not much data, but if you say don't want to have a data because the pricing is not reasonable, that's not an option either. I really don't use my data that much, because everywhere I'm there's always Wi-Fi available. Still, I'm forced to pay 30 dollars a month, for something I rarely use. Total ripoff.

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