Debating if i should get the iPhone 6 plus now, or wait till Apple releases something new?

I currently have a iPhone 5, with a terribly cracked screen. I can hardly bare using my phone, even though IIm on it most of the day. IIm a teenager, but i have extra spending money so i don't care about buying a new phone i just don't want to get the 6 and then have something new come out since the 6 has been out for a while?

I would get the 6 now only because with any new products it is always best to wait at least 6 months before purchasing because new products tend to have bugs that have yet to be worked out. I ended up getting the 5 the day before the 5S came out but I was glad I did because by the time the 6 came out I was ready for an upgrade and I waited 6 months then upgraded to a 6

I feel like the next iPhone will be released within the next year. It will probably come out towards the end of summer or in December. It will probably be the iPhone 6s, which will only be marginally better than the iPhone 6. Admittedly, the iPhone 6 is apparently a lot better than the iPhone 5. The next significant jump in iPhones will be the iPhone 7. Bear in mind that that probably won't even be the next release.

That said, it's never a good idea to jump on the bandwagon and get a phone as soon as it has been released. When you do that, you have no idea of possible problems that it might have, and you will have to wait for upgrade patches.

Remember that it is pretty inevitable that a new iPhone will be released even if you get the next release. If your phone is extremely difficult to use, I would give it a month and see if you hear any iPhone release news - if you do, then hang on and wait for it to come out and buy that phone. If not, just get an iPhone 6.

Yes get an IPhone 6… Specially if your obese. It is known that obesity can be controlled through the IPhone 6. Once you buy it, you won't have money to eat for 2 months.

I tend to skip phones if I buy into a particular series. If I had an iPhone 4, I would never have gotten a 4s or any of the 5's, because I don't have to have every phone that his the shelves.

Get the 6 or something in the 6 line or wait for a 7 or 8. It's up to what you want to spend really, but whatever you do, make sure to buy it outright, makes it much easier to sell when the phone is paid for.

Companies will come up with something new at intervals, so the wait would be like forever. Regarding Apple, their new phone Iphone 6c will come in Sept 25 2015.