Did iPhones exist when you were born?
Did iPhones exist when you were born?
Something's seriously wrong with this site
IPhones were not the first smart phone… They were just the first to market the smartphone to the average consumer. Treo, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry.
Thing is, business people tend to be smarter than the average consumer and don't buy a new device every 6 months leading to a flood of cash to dump into research and development.
It's funny to note that the original iphone couldn't do the most basic things like copy/cut and paste despite that being a feature of the original smartphones… Heck the only reason to get the iphone at that time was because apple was effectively marketing "if you don't have an iphone, you're a loser who doesn't get a cool looking silhouette"
No… Even when I was in high school, only the very important people (like trauma surgeons) had pagers. A phone was something that stayed plugged into a wall.
No, the first iPhones existed at the end of my 5th grade year (when I was 11 years old).
Cell phones didn't at all… 1987.
No, nor did personal computers
- Would you consider someone born in 1990 part of the Justin Bieber/iphone generation? Someone who is 22-23 now Would you say they basically aren't any different from a teenager now because they were born in the 90s?
- What would you do if you were watching your favorite show, and your 20 year old kid turned off the TV so that you couldn't watch it? I pay all the bills at the house. I normally watch AHS once a week with my kid. This week, she told me to go watch it in my own room. I told her my TV wasn't working and we would just have to watch it in her room. She turned off the TV so that I couldn't watch it. Then, she pompously pulled out her iPhone and proceeded to watch it on her iPhone. What would you do if this happened to you?
- What would you do if you were $4 short on buying a iphone and? What would you do if you were only $4 short on buying a new iphone 4. And, the sales guy asked "who has a dollar?" and his co-workers put in a dollar. How would you feel? What would you do? Let them chip in & buy the phone or return when you have the full amount of money? Or what?
- People of all ages: Did people born in 1990 grow up with iPhones? Explain why or why not. The first iPhone was released in 2007. BQ: What year were you born in and did you grow up with iPhones.