Did my girlfriend ghost me?

I will keep it quick and short, Yesterday I did not hear from my girlfriend all day. The messages was not delivering (both got iPhones) and I just thought she blocked me. When I call it goes straight to voicemail but the facetime also works. Here is the weird part, maybe she did not? I use 2 other of my friend phones and their messages did not go through also and when they called it went straight to voicemail, also my messages will turn from blue to green and say "sent as text message" and my friends messages also sent like that too, what should i do?

Consider that she may have her phone off because she needs some peace and quiet. She may not feel well. The phone may have malfunctioned. I don't think I'd have a heart attack over it. If she doesn't contact you in two days, it's probably by choice… Her choice. So let it go. You can demand and explanation and she'll give you one of 11 different excuses that people use. People in real relationships communicate in real life. People who panic over not being able to send a phone message are not as connected as the Apple User's guide might say they are.

She did a pull-back on you bruh. Get ready to be her b*itch when she reaches back out to you.

Things come up, happen, and change in our lives that we don't expect.

Sometimes women really do like you and, out of the blue, something makes her realize she needs to shift her priorities to more than just "guys" and dating. This happens with TONS of men. They call or text too much, make boring small talk, and have nothing interesting to talk about with her. All she is thinking is, "Wow, this dude is turning out to be pretty lame."

In turn, she gets bored and loses interest in calling or texting. When she ignores your calls and texts, she figures you'll eventually get the hint and leave her alone.

Do you know where she lives? Go look for her to check if she was ok.

Try asking her maybe?

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