Do ebay iphone chargers work?

If I buy a packet of iPhone chargers will they work? Like the ones that have a packet of say 10 for around 10 bucks. I know they're not Apple chargers but will they charge since I know Apple has a specific chip or something that allows chargers to work on the lightning chargers. If you can please comment the links of any chargers that work for cheap.

Maybe. There's no way of knowing apart from risking it and buying them. Apple are trying to stop the use of 3rd party cables as there have been plenty of dodgy ones out there, either causing a short which destroys the device, or installing malware onto your device. It's best to stick to official cables, no point in buying cheap cables which could potentially break your device as you will then have to pay out for a new device.

It is the responsibility of every seller to assure that his / her product actually does what it is supposed to. EBay is not as complicated as some people make it out to be. And it is a hell of a lot safer then Craig's List. If you have a doubt about a seller, look at his / her rating. You should always look at a sellers rating anyway. If they are selling junk that doesn't work, people are going to complain and leave negative feedback. The seller's rating will go down. Personally I will not buy from a seller with less than a 98% rating and never buy from sellers in China. You just have to use common sense and know how to check a seller. Click on the sellers name and you will be able to click on the seller's rating and see the feedback from other buyers. If they say things like "poor communication. Product doesn't work" you know to avoid them. EBay also can withdraw funds from a seller and give you a refund if you have a legitimate complaint. It is pretty much the same as buying a product from a brick and mortar store in that you can return a product and get your money back. In some ways it is better because you have eBay management as a mediator so the seller can't simply refuse to give you a refund.

Charger from ebay will work definitely

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