Do I apologize to her or leave her alone?

Okay so my female friend who I like and I were hanging out. And then I sort of got angry and had an attitude.

Today, things seemed to be different ever since. Like we wouldn't greet each other and hang out as often as we did before.

So do I text her an apology? Because I feel really bad and I wish I hadn't snapped at her and her friends. Or do I just leave her be?

Screw the texting go up to her and apologize to her for what you did and go from there

It's great that you can actually admit to behaving in a negative way towards your friend.
Most likely, she got her feelings hurt and she is now feeling sad or possibly angry at you.
The best thing to do is speak with her in person and apologize. It will mean a lot more than a text.

You might want to speak with a counselor at a hotline for additional input. We're open 24/7 and have counselors available to help with any kind of problems.

Take care and good luck to you!
SM, Counselor

Boys Town National Hotline

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