Do you believe the iphone 3GS will handle all the IOS 5.0 updates?

Hi, I do have an iphone 3g which does not support IOS 5.0, in fact, it can't not even handle some IOS 4.7 updates. Anyways, the iphone 3gs has almost the double capacity so do you believe this phone could handle all updates of the IOS 5.0? Do you believe it can even handle IOS 6.0 in the future?

If you try to update it via itunes, and it says everything is up to date and you're on iOS 4.7, then that's as far as you can go.

3GS can probably handle new update because I've seen people brake into iPhone 2G's and it handled 4.0 fine… Just really slow.

I do not believe that they will be supporting iOS 6 on the 3gs simply because they tend to stop supporting updates when the phone becomes more than three years old, three generations older than the most current iPhone.

Yes my brother is running 6.0 on his 3gs and it works fine.
you can update the 3g to 5.1 using whited00r 3g firmware.

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