Do you fall asleep with music?

So when I can't sleep, and it's late and I'm having trouble falling asleep, I put on pandora on my iPhone and leave it on all night long till I fall asleep, and trust me it takes me less than 10minutes to go to sleep with music. Does this happen to any of you out there?(I'm 19 btw)

No, that doesn't work for me. It has to be completely quiet and dark! Sleep makes me happy!

For me it does happen that way. I'm also 19. But I usually leave it really low and its not up beat music, its soft, slow love songs, and stuff like that. And I also usually have a timer so that it isn't playing all night.

I also can't read if I'm not listening to music. It's crazy how dependent we're of music.

Yes. I like falling asleep with music, but it depends what sort of music it is. I'm impressed with people who can go to sleep listening to death metal; that would not be possible with me. I just listen to soft, not too upbeat music…

I stream podcasts that I have already heard usually 100 word stories or audio dramas either from their websites or on stitcher app from my nook tablet. For some I have to use the aux speaker on my clock radio since they can be quiet on the nook speaker
I drowns out trash trucks and lawnmowers too bad they don't do that stuff at night when people are at work.

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