Do you have an iphone? Do you think an iphone is a necessity or a luxury?

Do you have an iphone? Do you think an iphone is a necessity or a luxury?

Yeah got a iPhone, imack, iPod all for sale

Its a luxury. Its very convenient, versatile and practical though, any smart phone is. But to makes calls, txts and occasional use as a calculator or a watch, any cell phone will do.

Don't have an iPhone. I didn't need it.

No, I'm not smart enough for a smart phone 📱

I don't have one.

It is not a necessity, but it is not a luxury, either,
if it can be afforded by the person who wants it.

Questions like this always seem to be asked by the type of person
who is excessively interested in what other people own or do ---
in other words, a snoop or busybody.

There are far better things to do with your time than pry into the affairs of others,
even if it is a general inquiry rather than about one specific individual.

It's not a necessity, it's a choice.

Don't have an iPhone. I didn't need it.

Yes I do.

A phone is a necessity, but an iPhone is a luxury, the same as a car is a necessity for many people but something like a Lexus would be a luxury. You can get around in a cheaper car same as you could communicate with a cheaper phone.

A Phone is a necessity but iPhone is a luxury