How do people who live in section 8 homes and the ghetto afford luxury?

I've seen people getting food stamps with iphone 6, luxury cars, big screen tvs, nice clothes and luxury purses but they live in the projects. How is this possible?

Because they're fine living where they're at but want to treat themselves to small nice things. Phones aren't all that expensive. Not even comparable to a house.

Well, if you've seen all that stuff you mist live there too so you tell us.

Maybe they do drugs?

I have seen this too and it angers me. I also know a woman with 5 children who receive MHMR checks for each and every one of them because she claims they have some type of mental illness. Her doctor has also said she can't work because of whatever mental illness she has. She just sits at home all day and doesn't even take care of her children. When she has dirty dishes, she goes to buy disposable cups, plates and forks. WOW.

Another woman I know has nice clothes and spends all of her money on weed and weekly alcohol.
I chose to stop speaking with people like this.


I see whites in trailer parks with louis vuitton