Do you like to get away from electronics every once in a while?

I mean, I can't live without my iPhone, but sometimes it's nice and peaceful to get away from electronics for me. I love being in the living room with my family and reading or doing board games sometimes, and taking a walk in the woods. But I feel like I'm the only one who enjoys this anymore. I mean, phones and laptops are amazing, but it's nice to take a break once in a while and enjoy life without screens. What about you? Even if you are addicted to your phone, do you like to do fun stuff like swim and go in the woods or climb trees or something like that?

Definitely. Electronics are nice and they have their place, but getting out in the real world is so pleasurable as peaceful. I love doing stuff like that. REAL stuff. Haha

I love it. But I don't have much to really do in a big city, single parent, and under 18 always stuck at home with nothing fun to do other than use the computer, watch tv, and eat. But yes when the opportunity comes it is joyous:/.

. Do you like to get away from electronics every once in a while