Do you own a iPhone or not? What's your gender?

This helps with my last minute stats homework! I would've asked r/askreddit but it's being a birch. I have to ask 30 random people.

I do own an iPhone, and I'm female.

Although Iphone is great for its simplicity and security which i like i stil prefer Android. More storage space, more customization, less overpriced and it just. Has a lot to offer that an Iphone doesn't have

I do not own an iPhone and never will. I'm male.

I do not own an iPhone, and I never have. (Although I have carried three iPhones for work, and they were fine.) I'm male.

Android, male

We're 2 people each with Android phones

I own an iPhone, I'm female

I do not own an iPhone, I prefer Android. I'm female.

I do have an iPhone and I'm a female.

I have an Android, and I'm female.