Do you think people who are against economic inequality are hypocrites?
I thought about it and really anybody who buys anything supports economic inequality. Think about the protest against economic inequality, how many people do you see with iPhones and major brand smartphones? Where did those posters come from? Where did they get their clothes? Where did their shoes come from? You're not really doing anything about economic inequality if you're still funding these corporations. Everybodies consumerism fuels economic inequality, so being agaisnt it makes you a hypocrite because you're working for a big corporation and you're buying things from major corporations as well. A lot of these protesters drink Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts coffee everyday but their supposedly fighting these corporations. If you're against it then act on it and stop giving these corporations power, stop buying stuff from them or shut all the way the f**k up.
Oh I see. If I'm against oligarchy I'm supposed to live in the woods like an animal. Got it.
The people for the inequality/widening the gaps in class distinction are the hypocrites. They crusade against a living minimum wage and complain about America the welfare state. These are the same people who pound the Constitution and inhibit her right to choose.
I couldn't make sense out of your rant… Too many question marks, too scattered w/ too many directions.
Liberalism tries to pull those less fortunate up w/ a more level playing field. Conservatism denounces that as socialism w/ rejection. Equality, individualism and liberty are 3 basic tenets of liberalism.
So to wage war on the rich we must all be poor. It sounds like you've got a firm grasp of socialism.
What is "economic inequality"? Should and eye doctor make the same the fry cook at McDonalds?
I don't understand the for/against business in regards to economic equality.
I can tell you this - I'm against * forced * equality.
So what you're saying without grasping your own words is stop spending money. Stop being a consumer. Create a lack of revenue for companies who employ millions of people. Those millions then spend money on clothes for their kids, food to feed them, a house to protect them. You see, that's how the economy works and why in many respects the economy is the best in history.
I really agree with you thats why i have learned how to spin my own wool. I'm not really into the greed. And most things i can make myself. But i'm the chick who wants to be a nomad in the woods.
peace! Or a hermit on top of a mountain.
- You think I could buy a iPhone 5 if i work what you guys think? You guys think that if i work at McDonald or any store i can afford to buy the iPhone 5? And pay every month
- Why do people think you're rich if you have an iphone? I have an iphone6 and people at school ask me if I'm "rich." If you want an iphone 6, get something called a job and since when did owning a $700 phone make someone "rich?" It's not like my phone is covered in gold and diamonds.
- Why do people think that childfree people are immature and selfish? Marriage isn't living outside of yourself for another person? What about taking care of extended family?
- Why do most rich people act like whiny crybabies when something goes wrong against them? I'm not blaming anyone for anything. But I'm sick and tired of hearing rich and most fortunate people in the world shouting injustice only when it effects them. There are at least 40 million americans who can't even afford an iPhone. The Jennifer Lawerence nudies leak story screams about how little class most rich people actually have.