Why do most rich people act like whiny crybabies when something goes wrong against them?

I'm not blaming anyone for anything. But I'm sick and tired of hearing rich and most fortunate people in the world shouting injustice only when it effects them. There are at least 40 million americans who can't even afford an iPhone. The Jennifer Lawerence nudies leak story screams about how little class most rich people actually have.

Because they need to create problems since there are none for them.

Again you're bringing up money and I don't appreciate it

Attachment to money reduces one's maturity to abysmal levels;

Because they are used to having everything go there way. They can have anything they want or it'll always be a yes. The minute a no comes along they lose their minds

The question is why are you here on a messageboard crying about others? Thats the real question here.

It's because they're spoiled with all that wealth