Does any one have a jailbreak link for iphone 11.2.6?

Does any one have a jailbreak link for iphone 11.2.6?

I'm looking to jailbreak an old iphone s5 its currently on 11.2.6

You're in luck as there's a jailbreak for 11.2.6, most people who ask for jailbreaks on here are on the latest version that isn't jailbroken.

There's 2 jailbreaks you can do, Electra and Unc0ver. I'd recommend Unc0ver as it's much less buggy and the developers behind it are more reliable.

As for installing it, you can grab the IPA file from however you will have to install it via Cydia Impactor which requires a computer -

The best way to get it is from a signing service, you can use these to download the jailbreak directly from your device. You can get Unc0ver and Electra from these services: