Does anyone think this video will help my sister's problem about her Facebook photo likes?

My sister has been telling me that her Facebook photos are not getting a lot of likes. Her complaining has been going on for weeks now, and I want to help her. Meanwhile, my friend contacted me and asked what was going on and I told him about my sister. He decided to help and advised that I watch a video called "The iPhone 6s Bikini Shoot". I watched it and the content shown seemed applicable to my sister's problem. It essentially shows what photography methods to use when taking bikini photos. Since I know that my sister loves wearing bikinis, I would figure that the method shown in the video could help her with her problem. From this video, does anyone think that the content shown will help my sister's problem about her Facebook photo likes?



No I don't think it will If she's not getting a lot of Likes it may be Because the Photo is not like able for some reason she may want to take a Different Photo

I don't Recommend Using any Like Sites as they are Fake Likes