Does he hate me? Or is he flirting?

There's this guy at my school who is annoying and conceited and just flat out rude sometimes. But he gives me weird mixed signals
-He sends me the iPhone restart code all the time, which is so annoying
-He does really stupid things, sometimes, around me, like one time he long jumped over a hurdle into the sand pit (we're both in track)
-He won't give me his snapchat or to text me, but he accepted my follow request and followed me back on instagram
-At our last track meet, he chased me around with a gross banana and finally threw it at me. He had set up a very elaborate prank in which he taped the banana to the top of a doorway so he could pull the string and it would come down on my head. I didn't fall for it though, so he just chased me.
-He says "daddy" to me in a really sexual voice (which sounds weird; one time I said that daddy kinks grossed me out and now he won't stop doing that whenever I'm around)
-on Valentine's Day, he told my friend I was his valentine, but he hasn't been like that since
-he gets really close to me when we're sitting near each other but he never purposely touches me i think
-he is mainly "flirty" whenever i start getting romantically close to his friend
-he makes funny impressions of the godfather and chewbacca and the joker at me all the time
UGH! Does he hate me, or is he just really immature and actually likes me? I mean, he's a pretty immature guy, but… I have no clue. He's going away next year, and I want to know what i should do.


Well he's either bullying you, or he's sending some weird signs he likes you (most likely the first) I'd just slap him across the face, that'll f him

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