Does iphone5 left speaker doesn't work?

Hi ihave got new iphone 5 but i noticed that left speaker doesn't work. Is this normal answer if you have one

One side is a microphone the other is a speaker, like the previous models.

It's normal. I have an iPhone and I was no already broken but it's a microphone and the other ones a speaker.

It's not a speaker. It's a microphone. Also, your grammar makes it difficult for people to answer.

Apple cause I seem to know everything about apple products lol, no iPhone has a speaker on the left they only have one on the right at the bottom and in the centre near the top. The bottom left of the iPhone 5 is the microphone for when making calls, recording videos/voice notes etc. And I don't want to panic you but just put your ear by the camera on your phone and tap the camera lense, I bet u hear some sort of rattling, this is nothing to panic about its just the zoom lense on the crystal encrusted lense, hope this helped

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