Does sprint carrie the iphone?
And what is the cheapest way to get and iphone?
Sprint does not have the iphone now but Sprint is getting it though. I heard that they preparing for a major launch phone on on October 15th which is same day the iphone 5 reportedly released. Sprint have stated that it can handle iphone data and will offer on their unlimited data plans.
1) Sprint does not carry the iPhone. There are rumors it may in a month or two.
2) Cheapt way to get iPhone is of course, buy a used one from a reputable second-hand dealer or friend (so it's not stolen / lost)
NO, sprint does not carry the iphone… BUT you get jailbreak an iPhone and set it up to where it will work with the sprint sim card.
No but you cud get a unlocked gsm one from apple website or jailbreak and install neceassary packages
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