Does the iphone 4 have siri?
I want a iphone 4s for my birthday but they are quite expensive but i want siri does the iphone 4 or any other iphone have siri?
Only the 4S has siri
No, just the 4s, the s stands for Siri.
I have the iphone 4S and it has siri. The Iphone 4 does not. It is fun to play with too.
Only the 4S has Siri.
But, you can get a free add-on app for other iphones & tablets called 'Vlingo' which does very much the same thing as Siri.
It allows you to do things like web searches and sending text messages purely by spoken command.
Te iPhone 4 doesn't have it and is incapable of be having it as its processor doesn't support Siri were as The 4S I'm sure has two processor chips that allow it to handle the lower Siri needs to run
And the s doesn't mean Siri, it was never revealed what it means, it's either special, siri, speed or Steve as in Steve jobs
The new iPad (iPad 3) had Siri and I think the iPad 2 will have it with ios6 when it's released later his year.
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