Does the iphone 5 need Wi-Fi to work?
Does the iphone 5 need Wi-Fi to work?
No, it would use 3 or 4 g if Wi-Fi isn't available.
Only if you want internet my friend
No you don't have to have Wi-Fi. An iPhone of any version can work as a stand- alone iPod, or as a cellphone on the cellular network. You can use the Internet if you have a data plan with your cellphone company and you have a cellular connection.
You won't be able to do anything on the Internet unless you have either Wi-Fi OR a cellular data plan.
You can do some things like load music and update the phones OS while connected to a computer
with the USB cable, but it is certainl easier if you hae Wi-Fi.
If you are asking if you need Wi-Fi for your iPhone 5… You shouldn't have an iPhone 5.
The first time you turn it on, yes. Once it's done that setup, sell the iphone 5 to a someone stupider than you and buy a GS3, continuing the thriving cycle in this world that apple feeds off of. If you were the but end of the joke, throw it in the garbage and buy a GS3.
If you haven't bought it yet and you were doing research, ditch your idea and but a GS3.
If my message isn't getting across, read it again and buy a GS3.
Or don't read it again and go buy a GS3.
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