Does the nikon d5200 contain manual focus?
I'm getting the d5200 and i was wondering if it contains manual focus. Also i wanted to ask if i can download photos to the iphone 4s from the camera itself.
This is a dslr. No the camera does not… That's on each dslr lens. So yes and no. It's operated by a switch on the lens.
Yes you can manually focus the lens.
This is in your user manual, page 40
You will have to copy the images to your computer and then email them to your iPhone
NO dSLR supports 4G wireless
Manual Focus - that's a function of the lens, not camera
- there's a switch Auto Focus / Manual Focus on your lens
Download photos to iPhone,
The D5200 is compatible with eye-fi cards,
Alternatively you can get the wi-fi adapter WU-1a
checkout possibilities to suit you
btw dSLR's are not meant for such silly stuff and gimmickry
Focusing, auto or manual, is a function of the lens, not the camera.
To send your pictures to your iPhone 4s you'll need the Nikon WU-1a as shown here:
You may also find this video tutorial about your D5200 of interest:
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