Does you insurance cover the iphone x rare glass replacement or do they consider it a cosmetic damage?

Does you insurance cover the iphone x rare glass replacement or do they consider it a cosmetic damage?

Totally depends on your insurance…

For the answer I agree with what Casey said.

I'm wondering why you would want insurance on your phone though?
Insurance companies are in it to make money. If you expect to gain overall from the insurance, then ultimately you will become a bad risk. If enough claims are made, then the insurance company will either jack your premiums up or refuse to insure you anymore.

They're not supposed to share your data due to privacy issues, but you just never know about risk assessments behind the scenes.

I think for an electronic device, you're better off assuming the risk yourself and not waste money on unnecessary premiums. It's essentially gambling for the consumer, with an unlikely benefit.
Insurance for your car, to cover you in case of an accident or a house to offset severe damage is different. Most other insurance is just a waste of money.

Read the policy. They vary as to what they cover.