Don't know how to get into iPhone?

My nephew reset his iPhone (i don't know why) he didn't do it correctly though. Instead of logging of his Apple ID and doing erase and reset he only rest it. Now the phone is asking for his Apple ID info to get back in which surprise surprise he doesn't know it. I have no idea why he or his parents didn't god damn save it anywhere. Being as the one who resets the Wi-Fi thus fixing it I'm considered the tech person around lol and have been asked to solve such problem. I have no idea how. Is there anyway I can reset the phone to factory mode where the Apple ID gets erased and I can then create a new one?

There's no way to get around it. ICloud lock is an anti-theft feature; it would be pointless to have an anti-theft feature if it was easily bypassed. If he can't remember his iCloud/Apple ID, then he's out of luck. Nothing you can do about it.

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