Dropped iPhone 3GS in water?
Well a very blonde moment today when I managed to drop my beloved iPhone into the dogs water bowl!
I dried it immediately. I have since learned that I should've turned it off immediately but I didn't…
It appeared I'd been really lucky, phone still works, touch screen works, it's all OK, apart from the volume… Now when someone rings me, my ringtone plays loud as usual but when I answer it, i can't hear anything down the phone. However if i put it on speakerphone, i can hear it.
Is there anything I can do to get it back in working order? I no longer have my warranty with Apple as it ran out in July (SO CLOSE!) & Silly as it may sound to you I have not had it insured. (Although usually water damage is void isn't it?)
Any help please, just so that I don't have to use loud speaker to hear anybody calling me?"
The small speaker is broke. You need a replacement but it will have to go off to apple for that.
Call apple and they should sort it out for you.
- Iphone 3gs dropped in water Plain and simple, i dropped my phone in water, shut it off, took my simcard out and the phone still works. I can charge it and talk on it and touch the screen and everything. Its just the screen is Really dark! How do you think i can fix this? I tried going to my settings and setting it brghter but it doesn't work… Any other advice to help brighten the screen?
- I dropped my Iphone in water - no water damage showing on indicator? Here is the situation. I dropped my Iphone 5 in the toilet (I hadn't peed yet so all good there). Immediately switched it off, dried it and put it in a bag of rice. This was at about 6 p.m yesterday. This morning without turning it on I opened up the sim compartment to check the circle for water damage (checked online and apparently this is where to check for water damage). The indicator was white. It is back in the rice but I was wondering - when you think it will be ok to turn back on?
- I dropped my iPhone in water - 3 I just dropped my phone in water about a minute ago(it's 9:25 PST). I hurried up and got it out dried it off as fast as I could. It was working fine until now. It keeps popping up "charging not supported on this device" and also I just found out the sound isn't working! Now I can't even listen to all the money I spent on my songs. Is there anything to help this? I was thinking I can back it up on iTunes? Would that help? I don't know I just need major help please.
- I dropped my iphone in water and it won't turn on? I dropped my iphone in the toilet about 3 hours ago and right after i picked it up from the water, i put it in rice. The phone turned off by itself and about a few minutes ago i went to check and my phone was hot. So i'm wondering if i should keep it in the rice or do something else?