Dropped iphone into the water and i don't know what to do?

So i dropped my iphone 6 into a lake and it was longer than 3 minutes in the water. It won't turn on and i don't know what to do.

Stick a fork in it, it is done.

Rob a best buy

If you bought it with credit card, might get back part of refund to buy another new one if the credit card contains purchase insurance coverage. Otherwise, repair cost as high as more than 50% from its purchase price.

Do people not pay for insurance on their phones now? My phone is covered by my insurance, even for water damage.

Try the bag of rice trick and see what happens

Put it in uncooked rice for a few hours, if you are really lucky the the rice will absorb the water. Do not tyry to turn it on until its dry. Open the case & remove the battery also.

Take it to a phone shop and hope its not too late.

Do not mess with it and do not connect a charger.

The "rice trick" is an urban myth and does nothing to remove water from inside the phone. As long as the battery is connected and water present, damage is ongoing - it must be dismantled and properly cleaned to have any chance of surviving.

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