Dropped my iphone 3 in milk?

I dropped my iphone in a glass of milk, the glass was nearly empty so it didn't go deeper then the top speaker, i imminently dried it out under a hair drier and it is now drying outside. This happened about 5 minutes ago and now none of the speakers not even the bottom ones are working. Is there anything i can do?

Added (1). Well it was to hard to bite into so i figured the milk would soften is up like an Oreo

Haha never eat an iPhone over a bowl of cereal. Lesson learned. Also, why were you eating your iPhone?

My sister used to have an Android that she would drop in any substance of water. Put it in some rice.

Stop using it immediately. If you have some rice, throw it in there for 3-5 days.chances are your speakers are broken. But maybe not. I dropped my earbuds (completely submerged) in water and let then dry for a couple hours and still worked. (but milk and water are completely different) If it doesn't work, either look up some tut's on youtube on how to take apart your iPhone/or replace speakers. If you don't want to risk taking it apart, put it on ebay - plenty of people will buy it to repair it. I would.

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