EBay mc999 linking accounts - is it legal?

Nowadays There's internet everywhere. In fact you can run your business through your iphone everywhere.
eBay MC999 suspend one account and all accounts that are linked to this account by either IP, cookies and so on.basically if X person surf Wi-Fi in a restaurant and his eBay account was suspended, a Y person who surfed the same network is risking in MC999.
Is this legal regarding Y person?
Can a company\law based global punishment\ rules? <--is this legal?

It is based on more then just an IP, and it is legal because you agreed to it when you used their service. You're bound by their user agreement. There's no law that specifies a right to use eBay.

Yes, it is legal it states in eBay's policy the right for them to terminate your account if they suspect you have multiple accounts. They used various methods as well as paypal such as IP, cookies, same listing styles, credit cards, bank accounts, and personal information. It is not advised to be using public Wi-Fi as those IP addresses are beaten to death on sites.

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