Electrical parts cleaner on iphone 6S?

My iphone 6S wasn't charging because the port was full of junk so I sprayed the lightning port and 3.5mm aux port out with electrical parts cleaner, not a good idea. I did this with the phone off, dried it off and turned it on and the screen was displaying with funny coloration, see picture. I turned it off an put it in rice

So the question is: is this just moisture or did I do some real damage with the electrical parts cleaner? It evaporates almost immediately so I was thinking moisture shouldn't hang around too long? Anyone have experience with electrical part cleaner (contact cleaner) or know if the phone is savable or not? I currently have it shut off and in rice still Electrical parts cleaner on iphone 6S

The parts cleaner is VERY corrosive… Its meant to degrease old electrical motors…
it looks like its partly dissolved/damaged parts of the screen…
i would just buy a new phone…
its highly likely the battery plus other circuits are damaged.

If the cleaner contains any kind of oil, which most such products do,
the oil will stay in the phone.

That is probably what is clouding the screen.

Rice won't draw oil out the way it does with water.

Getting rid of the problem without using some other spray or liquid
that would cause damage might be impossible.

Take the phone And the can of cleaner you used to a phone repair specialist and hope for the best.

The right way to do what you were attempting
is by applying the cleaner to a plug and inserting it into the jack.
That way nothing is being spritzed forcefully into the device.

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