Falling in love over omegle?

Ok so before you judge me read this:
I'm 14 and today was the first day I ever used omegle i went on this morning cause I was bored and I know there are tons of pervs and paedos but I started talking to this one guy, who is 18, yes i know too old but he is amazing, remember this is video chatting so i can see what he looks like, definitely 18. He told me I'm cute about 10, 000 times not hitting on me, in a nice way like adorable and he's just so funny and we just like clicked and he kept smiling and laughing at my responses and I had this cheeky grin on my face for the whole half hour conversation
anyway we both live in england and he's honestly everything I love in a guy, my heart started racing after the first 20mins of the conversation, then I asked for kik and fb he lost his iphone and doesn't have facebook BUT he has twitter but he wouldn't give me his username because apparently 'it isn't the same on and off omegle' and I literally felt so sad cause he's so amazing and I'll never be able to talk to him again, his name is Tom but there are so many tom's out there and I honestly think I love him because I've had this with only one guy before and this time it was even more amazing.
my question is: is there anyway to find him again and do you think i've actually fell for him cause I do <3

If you do find him he's gonna get really awkward-ed out. He will think you're a stalker and completely avoid you.
Better to move on.

Move on honey, he doesn't even want to keep in touch. Don't worry you'll find someone who's more "amazing" than him and will do anything for you. And you'll just laugh off what you're feeling right now.

Well you could try entering the same interests you put in and see if he comes up again on omeagle but other than that there isn't really any other way to find him again. Sorry: c

You might just admire him, but if you believe you like him then you probably do. I don't know if you can find him, but maybe this is your way of saying you want a relationship! So go get one!

General name + no facebook/ iphone = FAKE. Don't fall for this losers trap. You're only 14 and you have time. You probably don't love him, you just like the attention he was giving you, its called infatuation. I don't think that you should be going on omegle if you can feel this easily about someone who you don't know and have never seen. He could be an online predator. You are really young and I bet someone will love you for you once you get to know them. Keep your chin up.

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