Feel like I'm losing my hearing?

The sound setting on my phone has always stayed the same. I've noticed that I've now had to turn the volume on my iPhone up into the "red zone" whereas a couple of months ago, I could enjoy the music while it it was still on "normal." I now struggle to hear things like people calling me, where before I could literally hear someone speaking on the other side of the house. I don't know if it's making it worse, but because my hearing seems to have gotten worse, I tend to listen to my music pretty loud (well, it's not loud for me but I imagine it is for other people) and when I take my earphones out, my ears ring for a couple minutes. I also listen to music a LOT. Out of a 12 hour day, I spend maybe 3-4 hours with earphones plugged in. Also, is there any proof that ear scraping is damaging to hearing? Sorry if It sounds gross; I like to keep my ears clean and I use the traditional "Asian ear pick," which I'm pretty sure does not compact ear wax like a Q tip does, as it scrapes out rather than pushes. Still, is this bad?

Turn your music down

If you take your earphones out and your ears ring for a couple of minutes you probably are on the way of killing your hearing.

Really you should see somebody like an audiologist who can assess your hearing.

Ringing in the ears is always a serious warning sign, so please turn the volume down and get your hearing tested. Even a single noise can cause permanent damage if the volume is loud enough.

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