Had a dream I was running away from authorities?

In my dream, I was sitting near a window with friends and I had two boxes of something that had to do with Satan in some way or another but I can't recall the actual box. Looking behind us, there was a person with a white mask on. An authority person came to us and supposedly we were to be arrested. I ran for it. Somewhere in the building, I found a wardrobe with my iphone/ cell phone in it, called my mom and asked what I should do and she told me to run away from these authorities. I ran to a window and saw a bunch of people, cops, and cop cars around the front part of the building, waiting for me. Then, somehow, I was running with two other people from the backway of the building into the woods where we were being chased by authorities. One person infront of me yelled to the third person (running) - "You're too big [they will see us]!" and this one person made a short stop and had dust rising from her sneakers up. Then we were in hiding- in a cabin in the woods where somebody took care of us. One inmate was crying when she saw a person walking around the site, thinking we'd be found. There was food and drinks to keep us… Can somebody please tell me what this dream/ symbols may mean? Did anyone have a similar dream?

It sounds like the meaning of your dream can have something to do with a situation that happened to you in real life. For example have you recently been in a situation that caused you to choose to do something you knew you shouldn't do but that you did it anyway and now you may be regretting it? The part about you holding stuff that had to do with the devil could represent something that you did that you are not proud of and then you running away could mean that you don't want to do the things you are doing but they keep coming after you and you keep giving in? The part about the short stop could mean that you were being cautious or someone else you know was being cautious about something… Hope this helps…
