Has anyone tried the iphone xs? Is it better than the iphoneX? People say there's not a huge difference between the the price though?
Has anyone tried the iphone xs? Is it better than the iphoneX? People say there's not a huge difference between the the price though?
The price is/was equal. $999.
I personally haven't, but I'm sure there are several iPhone X vs XS video comparisons online. Look into those.
There's a faster processor in the XS, but it's like of like going from 280hp to 300 hp in a car. Both will be fast and you won't be able to tell the difference. Realistically the best buy at the Apple store is the iPhone XR, which has the same processor as the XS. I Own a iPhone XS Max and it's a great phone, but I think I should have just saved some money and got the XR.
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